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Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) Additives

Scientists and manufacturers have been working hard during the last 2 decades to promote the production of eco-friendly items in response to the worldwide calls and alerts to protect the global environment. Pure Polymers is one of the leading manufacturers that committed to this by the production of Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) additives that guarantees an environmental friendly alternative to conventional plastic products in a process that allows them to break down naturally. This sustainable invention improves conventional plastics, ensures increased environmental responsibility and combats environmental pollution and its consequences.

Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) is made by blending a pro-degradant additive into the plastic during the extrusion process. The additive causes the molecular structure of plastic to break down when exposed to heat or sunlight. The plastic will eventually be in a state where it can be digested by microorganism.

Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) are often used wherever accelerated degradation of plastic products is considered necessary especially in countries whose municipal regulations and waste laws obligate this. biodegrade once its lightweight and water Exposure. And it is meant for easy dispersion and is therefore applicable for direct addition and mixture with plastic rosin.

Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) are sometimes confused with degradable plastics. Oxo-degradables are a separate and a completely different category composed of conventional plastic mixed with an additive to imitate the process of biodegredation.

Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) allows the conversion of long-life plastic products to harmlessly degrade gradually.


How are Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) additives mixed and how do they work?

  1. Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) Masterbatch is added during the manufacturing stage (in an exactly specified percentage.

  2. The resulting biodegradable product then behaves as its purpose during its well-programmed lifespan.

  3. After service life, the product begins to decompose in the presence of oxygen until decomposition reaches an optimum level.

  4. Colonies of microorganisms will begin to proliferate on the surface to metabolize the oxygenated plastic which returns to the surrounding nature as H₂O, CO₂ and Biomass.

The oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) additives are dosed at very low and accurate level to ensure that the resulting product would have a guaranteed mechanical strength and other properties for a specific period after manufacturing.


Pure Polymers Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD)

Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) produced by Pure Polymers are available as granules in specialized non-toxic multilayer and multi barrier packaging that provides protection against light and oxygen during the transport and storage of the material.

Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) is susceptible to light, heat and oxygen. It is highly recommended that once the Aluminum bag is opened, it be consumed in the shortest time possible in order to perform its full function.

Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) biodegrade once its subjected to light or water Exposure. The granules are meant for easy dispersion and direct addition in the mixture of the plastic rosin.


Benefits of Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) Additives

  1. Reduce impact of plastic waste on environment: Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) are used to transform conventional plastic into easily degradable materials to protect the environment.

  2. Customizing shelf life: The shelf life and life span of biodegradable plastic using can be customized based on client’s requirements. It can range from few months to years. This can be achieved by determining the exact amount of Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) to be added to the plastic resin.

  3. Easy application and use of the final product: Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) are used in existing facilities with existing equipment to yield near identical processing parameters to conventional plastics.

  4. Free from toxins and heavy metals: Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) additives are free from heavy metals like cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead and arsenic. Thus, Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) are desirable and safe to use in plastic products used to carry or contain food.

  5. Effective in low doses: Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) are used in low and specified amounts to produce the desirable effect.

  6. Does not impact physical and optical properties of products: This makes Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD) desirable to use as they do not change the appearance, texture, strength or flexibility of the final product.

  7. Enhances the marketing value of the end product: Eco-friendly plastic products are of high value both for clients and governments, esp. with the increasing calls for protecting nature and envireonment.


Application and Uses of Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD)

  • Shopping Carry Bags.

  • Garment and Grocery Bags.

  • Frozen Foods Bags.

  • Agricultural Film.

  • Food packing bags

  • Bread wraps.

  • Disposable dishware.

  • Hospital garbage bags.

  • Garbage bags.

Assessment and Testing of Oxo-Biodegradable (OBD)

Testing is a critical step of supporting any product or additive used in the manufacturing process. Pure Polymers follow global standards for testing and determining the suitability of a formulation for its applications.

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Factory: COC City, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.



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